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What We Do

Our Arts and Crafts group has grown so much since it started.  None of us profess to be the next Michael-Angelo, (although there are some very talented people amongst the group,) but we love what we do and the group is a huge support mechanism for everyone that comes along.

Plant Pot Art

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We used various plant pots, acrylic paint, and any other accessories the design needed, to create fun planters and lighthouses for either indoors or outdoors.  The different designs we got were fantastic.

Lighthouse 2.jpg

Personalised Clocks


Aside from the mechanisms, everyone used completely different materials to make their clocks, from heart shapes, to animals, from buttons to horses.  A huge array of ideas that reflected everything we all love.

Cupcake Clock.jpg
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Spring Has Sprung


After a long winter everyone is excited for lighter nights, daffodils  and tweeting birds.  In preparation  for this we decided to bring spring early by designing our own birdboxes and making Easter wreaths.  

Linda Easter Wreath.jpg
Sunflower Wreath_edited.jpg

Resin art and Quilling

Michelles sea scape.jpg

We love to try different kinds of art and expand our knowledge.  AMongst other things we have tried resin art, creating amazing scenes like this sea scape, and Quilling, which has produced some fabulous paper decor.

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