Music Therapy and Meditation
There are so many ways to look after your mental well being, and mindfulness is just one of them. Music and meditation are 2 powerful tools to allow you to practice this as they allow you to simply be in the moment and forget about anything else that may be crowding your mind and causing you worries. Even if it just for an hour or two, that can be enough to give you the strength you need to keep going.
Music Therapy
Our Music Therapy Group gets together once a week to learn and sing a song they have all chosen together. It isn't about the singing itself, so it doesn't matter if you are the next Adele, or if you have a voice like a Goose with tonsillitis, its all about joining in and having fun.
Everyone immediately thinks of sitting cross legged, surrounded by strong smelling incense and chanting "Oohhm!" when they hear the word meditation, but that isn't necessarily true. It is simply about being still in the moment and focussing on one thought, stopping all others from intruding the peace and stopping you from achieving stillness. This is what we hope to show you in the groups and teach you be able to do on your own, so you can still your mind whenever you feel things are getting a little too overwhelming.